The PGP welcomes new Board members and bids a farewell to outgoing Trustees


Volunteers are at the heart of the Petey Greene Program’s work. Since the PGP’s founding, over 3,000 tutors have volunteered their time and committed to supporting the educational journeys of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated learners. In parallel, the organization is led by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees whose members commit their expertise, time, and resources to support the PGP. In 2022, we bid farewell to two members of the Board, whose terms ended after a dedicated period of service, and we welcome three new members to the PGP's Board of Trustees!

Thank you for your service and you will be missed!

David Scott served two terms (6 years) on the Petey Greene Program board. A retired Rutgers University lawyer, David served as the Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee and was integral in developing policies and procedures to support the Board's operations.

Henry Platt, a former PGP volunteer, served one term (3 years) on the Petey Greene Program board. Henry was so profoundly impacted by his experience as a PGP volunteer during his time as an undergraduate, that he returned to PGP to serve as a trustee. Working professionally as a principal with The Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit organization that provides management consulting to nonprofits and philanthropists, Henry’s nonprofit knowledge supported PGP through our recent leadership transition and was essential to enacting the strategic plan.

Meet the new PGP Board Members

David J. Harding
Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
Director, Berkeley D(ata)-Lab

David J. Harding is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley and Director of the Berkeley D(ata)-Lab. David’s research and teaching is focused on poverty, inequality, education, the criminal justice system, and statistical and qualitative research methods. He has published multiple scholarly articles on the impacts of incarceration and other forms of justice system involvement and written two books on prisoner reentry and reintegration: On the Outside: Prison Reentry and Reintegration (with Jeffrey Morenoff and Jessica Wyse, University of Chicago Press, 2019), and After Prison: Navigating Adulthood in the Shadow of the Justice System (with Heather Harris, Russel Sage, 2020). Harding earned a BA in Sociology from Princeton (1998) and a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy from Harvard (2005). He has also served on the faculty in Sociology and the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.


Grace Li
Clinical Lecturer in Law
Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law, Yale Law School

Grace Li is a Clinical Lecturer in Law with the Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law at Yale Law School. Previously, she held a fellowship at the New York Civil Liberties Union, where she worked on behalf of people in prison and on parole, and clerked on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. She graduated from Princeton University and NYU School of Law, where she was a Root-Tilden-Kern Public Interest Scholar and worked with the Equal Justice Initiative clinic, Federal Defender clinic, and public defenders’ offices. Before that, Grace worked with The Petey Greene Program as a manager of the New York region, as a student leader, and as a volunteer tutor.


Sixto Sime
Chief Consultant
LowerDeckEnterprises, LLC

Sixto Sime is the Chief Consultant at LowerDeckEnterprises, LLC, where his focus is on healthcare management. He has worked as a community liaison with The Educational Alliance, one of the oldest nonprofits in the NYC area. He currently is on the Leadership Team of the TPW New York chapter whose focus is on the system-impacted community. He holds an MSOL from Nyack College and a BA as well for Organizational Management.

The Petey Greene Program