Join us in partnership and support our Strategic Plan.


We are pleased to share the executive summary of the Petey Greene Program’s new three-year strategic plan, the culmination of a planning process that began in December, 2019. Our charge was to position the organization for sustainability and scale into its second decade. 

The Petey Greene Program is at an important inflection point, where we will shift from a purely supplemental role—providing tutors to complement existing education programs in prisons—to also taking a stand on what high-quality education looks like and how it should be implemented. This shift is an evolution, not a departure, from our past. For, we believe that well-trained, committed tutors providing personal, in-person support are an essential element of high-quality education for incarcerated people. Our strategic plan outlines how we will prove it and promote it as a matter of policy. 

PGP’s strategic plan prioritizes: 

  • Optimizing the quality of our tutoring programs 

  • Piloting and scaling blended learning, which integrates in-person tutoring with digital access to curricula

  • Piloting and scaling reentry tutoring, in collaboration with wraparound service providers

  • Expanding justice-oriented volunteer leadership development programming

PGP began exploring these shifts before the public health crisis, and well before recent demonstrations against systemic racism. These dynamics have only reinforced the need for substantive change. As the largest multi-state tutoring program in jails and prisons, PGP has the opportunity and the mandate to promote that change.   

As you review our 2020-2023 strategic plan, we encourage you to contact us with any comments or questions. We look forward to your continued support and partnership in the coming years.

The Petey Greene Program